Case Study:  

Developing Vision and Mission through participatory process 


A Leading International Design School 


  • Break the silo mindset of stakeholders and align their though process
  • Create the buy in for the need of developing Vision and Mission
  • Cross cultural integration 


 The Vision to Reality intervention was designed to develop ownership amongst the stakeholders through participatory process. Vision and Mission statements were evolved from the expressions & ideas of all stakeholders captured through meetings and structured workshops.


The above solution and structured process has helped the client:

  1. After developing Vision Mission, long term business plan was worked out with Management Team, which was then cascaded to One Year Business Plan. This One-year business score card is further cascaded to functional level score cards and then to Individual KRAs
  2. Employees and other key stakeholders could connect with Vision and Mission of Organization
  3. Implementation of this initiative has improved engagement of employees
  4. Improved interpersonal relations and trust within the team
  5. Vision to Reality initiative helped in nurturing Performance Orientation
  6. Build Ownership and Commitment for results