People with the right skills make a major contribution to the success of your company. And naturally an organisation wants to gain an insight into the capabilities of employees. Development centres are an important tool in making an accurate evaluation of your human capital and provide insights how best to develop it.

The organizations can derive multiple benefits for Development Centre Exercise. The Development Centre is the diagnostic exercise conducted before planning any focused and long-term development of the critical managerial team of an organization.

The focused leadership or managerial development process has 3 phases

1. Competency identification and designing assessment (Based on growth challenges of an organization critical competencies are identified and scientific assessment method is designed)

2. Competency assessment (Generally done by DC and psychometric assessment)

3. Competency Development (Based on DC output – generally Individual development Plans (IDPs are prepared as an outcome of DC and individual development is encouraged by implementing Managerial development intervention)

Organizations can derive full benefits only if they take up all 3 phases in correct sequence

Benefits 1st Phase

a. Critical competencies are identified for development and entire development focus can be configured around them.

b. Customised assessment design to suit organizational precise need.

Benefits of 2nd Phase

a. Precise assessment of the gap in critical competency (Required v/s available) It is like a surgical strike approach over carpet bombing technique.

b. Participants take DC exercise seriously and the ownership of learning is automatically shifted to them. In general training, the ownership of learning is with organization or trainer.

c. Participants receive individual development report with their competency profile and can relate well with their development plan.

Benefits of 3rd Phase

a. This top talent can take your organisation to the next level of performance

b. High retention possibility of critical people, since they can see the career growth with the organisation

c. Enable transition from Functional Leader to Business Leader

d. Capability to develop other people to utilize their potential

e. Improvement in Productivity by high engagement with role

f. Higher ownership and accountability for delivering results.